Brrr… Baby it’s Cold Outside: Exercising in Winter
Staying on your fitness ‘A-game’ during the Winter months is tough!
The very thought of emerging from your bed when the alarm sounds can feel like a huge challenge to even the most motivated gym junkie. On top of this, most of us have to fit our exercise around our work days, so during these cooler months, it’s likely dark when you hit the gym … yet another challenge! So it really is no surprise that our motivation takes an icy deep dive…
This time of year, we get asked, again and again, how to stay consistent with training during the winter months.
So, in this blog post, we’re here for you. Here are some ideas and strategies for getting your fitness mojo on during the chilly season.
Why should we exercise in Winter?
The benefits of exercise apply, whatever the weather. You can get those happy endorphins pumping by hitting the gym regularly, even in the cooler months. Here are some reasons why.
- Training boosts your mental health and general mood. The colder weather and reduced sunlight can affect our Vitamin D levels leading to a decline in mood. Training outside or getting the endorphin hit from a class can really help you feel better when you’ve got the winter blues.
- Staying active is proven to boost your immune system. When cold and flu season hits hard, heading to the gym and eating healthily is a fantastic way to keep those coughs and sniffles at bay.
- Working out also helps to shed those winter kegs. When the weather gets cooler, we tend to reach for the standard creature comforts. See ya salads! A warm blanket and a bar of chocolate anyone? By staying active, you’re less likely to pile on the kilos and you’ll feel better about yourself for it, we promise.
Why classes rock in the cold
There’s no doubt that a busy group class environment keeps you physically warm (or even drowning in sweat) and socially connected to the gym community. There really is nothing like a group sweat sesh to give you all the feel-good vibes. It’s also fun to mix it up with an outdoor session on those crisp and sunny winter days and add a dose of Vitamin D. Even a 15-minute walk can give you a boost of D, which helps improve mood and immunity.
Fitness challenges are another great way to stay in shape during the nippy season. At Live Fit Gym in Yarrabilba, we run regular events and challenges. These are fantastic ways to increase motivation by working towards a common goal with friends and making new friends.
To be honest, as long as you’re moving, there’s no right or wrong way to exercise in winter. Just do it, right?
5 tips for staying on track when it’s frrrrreezing outside
Here are some strategies that work for us.
- Remember your internal motivators… Why do you go to the gym? If it’s for physical or mental health reasons, it’s important to recognise what drives you. Or maybe it’s friendship and connection, losing weight or feeling good? These are all valid reasons to make sure you remind yourself regularly of these when you feel your motivation dip.
- Work out in a group or find a friend to keep you accountable. It’s much easier to get up for class when you know your buddy is going to be there. And, of course, you don’t want to let them down either.
- Set a specific and realistic goal. The gym runs challenges to keep your pecker (and your pecs) up in the winter months. There are heaps of winter challenges and charity events on social media that you can do as well if you’re looking for a way to stay motivated. Similarly, you might enjoy training more if you have a specific goal such as a half-marathon, or losing weight etc.
- Get outside and enjoy the sunshine too. It’s good for you and a great little addition to your training regime if you don’t feel like hitting the gym. Be kind to yourself, it’s ok to skip a day.
- Eat healthy. While the burger and chips are all too tempting in winter, try to be mindful of eating as much green veg and protein as you can to reduce your body fat and maintain your muscle mass.
What now?
Check in with one of our PTs if you’re struggling with motivation or head along to a lively group class and get your winter fitness back on track today.